
Spiritual Energy Today

Welcome to Spiritual Energy Today, your premier source of news and updates about spiritual energy and the like.

We are a group of people dedicated to learning about and harnessing spiritual energy. This space provides you with various contents, such as meditation and mindfulness, which are designed to help you understand the relationship between the body and the soul.

Through this blog, you can learn how to harness the spiritual energy within you in a positive way and start spreading good vibes to others. It doesn’t matter what your beliefs are, as long as you’re willing to learn and grow with the rest of us!

If you have questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to us by clicking here and filling out the form.


The Spiritual Energy Today Group

Our team

Meet the SET Group

Tanya Marie Porras

Tanya is a freelance writer and content creator with an adventure mindset. With her state of mind, she’s ready to take on almost anything. On average days, she’s buried under a load of digital marketing articles. She’s also occupied with caring for Cathy a.k.a. the prettiest dog in the world.

As a break from all that jazz, she writes for Spiritual Energy Today. Her objective is to explore topics related to spirituality and learn to apply the knowledge she gains along the way.

Francesca Egay

Francesca is a freelance writer and educator with a passion to seek for new knowledge. Currently taking her degree in psychology, she is in constant search of different ways on how people cope with their lives – one of which is through spirituality.

Writing for Spiritual Energy Today gives her perspectives which allows her to better understand behavior. In her spare time, Francesca enjoys playing video games and chilling with her fur babies.

Joshua Muñoz

Joshua is a freelance writer with an interest in spirituality, psychology, and history. He finds the juxtaposition of mysticism with contemporary life both perplexing yet spiritually stimulating, and finds this philosophy to be an endless source of inspiration for his writing.

Joshua spends his free time working on his blog, relaxing with his dogs, and going on hiking excursions. He’s always eager to discuss aspects of spirituality with others to help people live a more mindful and fulfilling life—and finds Spiritual Energy Today an excellent outlet to make it happen.

Tina Lee-Almazar

Tina Lee-Almazar is a beauty and lifestyle writer based in the Philippines. She started out as a production associate at ABS-CBN Broadcasting Network in 2004 before transitioning to creative writing in 2006.

When she’s not surrounding herself with pretty things or discussing herself in the third person, Tina watches funny cat videos all day.